Ambient Comfort LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’

Maintenance Tips: Can You Clean Your Coils Yourself?

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

This is a question we get frequently, and it’s one that customers will search online for. Sure, you’ll find plenty of videos with tutorials and “how-tos” that explain the details of cleaning a coil, but they never answer the burning question that everyone wants to figure out: should you clean your coils?

The answer is no, but it’s more complicated than that. Our air conditioning maintenance in Gloucester County, NJ is designed to address this for you, but we understand that customers might want to try this work for themselves. The truth is that the risks far outweigh the benefits of trying to clean the coils on your own. Without specialized training, you’ll be in trouble if you start taking apart your air conditioner, even with the best intentions!

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Preventative AC Maintenance Tips

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Temperatures are starting to fluctuate above the “mild and comfortable” zone now. While we’re not quite at summertime yet, it’s never a bad idea to get started working with your air conditioner so it’s prepared for the heat ahead. This can be done in multiple different ways.

For starters, we’ll be reviewing some great DIY tips that can help you set your air conditioner up for success in Mount Holly, Lumberton, and even Evesham. This includes things like replacing the air filter, hosing down the unit, and even making sure that your vents are cleared. Then, we can discuss the most important thing of all–your preventative AC maintenance in Burlington County. This professional service goes a long way towards making sure your AC’s components are in great shape and ready for the future. Couple this professional maintenance with some DIY tricks, and you’ll be in great shape.

Yes, you can officially start bragging to your neighbors about your AC once you’ve completed these steps!

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What Is Included in a Traditional AC Tune-Up?

Monday, March 27th, 2023

So, you’ve finally decided to make the winning call and schedule a maintenance appointment for your air conditioner. Congratulations! This is one of those central or ductless AC services in Gloucester County that will go a long way in ensuring that your technology remains secure and efficient. And, if we notice any problems, you’ll get a heads up about them early so you can get your system fixed ASAP.

But what actually happens during maintenance? Why isn’t it something that any homeowner can do? Well, that’s what this blog is going to focus on. We’ll tell you exactly what we do during maintenance and showcase why it’s so important. Then, for anyone who hasn’t scheduled an appointment in Haddon Heights, Tavistock, or Cherry Hill, we urge you to set one up early so you’re prepared for the spring, summer, and fall.

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How to Get the Most Out of Your AC System

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Things aren’t as cut and dry as they might seem when it comes to air conditioning. Some air conditioners are completely broken down and require repair, others are working but not to the best of their ability, and some are in amazing shape. The lifespan and condition of an air conditioning system, just like your car or your home, is a spectrum that requires yearly attention and best practices to make the most of.

Scheduling AC maintenance in Cumberland County can be a great way to take advantage of professional services and extend the lifespan of your system. For homeowners in Deerfield, Greenwich, and Upper Deerfield, you can see a huge improvement in efficiency levels, longevity, and the comfort of your own home with maintenance.

Let’s talk about how maintenance helps your AC, and a few additional strategies to get the most out of your air conditioning system.

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Ambient Comfort’s AC Tune-Up Guide

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Springtime is officially here! Before we get into talking about air conditioners, it would be a good idea to enjoy the season for what it is! Temperatures are going to be milder, which means you can spend more time doing fun things outdoors. We don’t really have to worry about heat for another couple of months at least, so why not start planning out the garden and start doing some hikes?

We don’t need to tell you how to enjoy the springtime, but what we should talk about now is the need for an AC tune-up. Springtime quickly turns to summer in Hainesport, Medford, and Tabernacle, so we want to take a moment and talk about the importance of AC maintenance in Burlington County. We’ll discuss why it’s valuable, what it does, and why springtime is the perfect time for maintenance!

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3 Reasons to Consider a Maintenance Plan

Monday, July 19th, 2021

Maintenance is important for a lot of appliances and equipment, not just your HVAC system. For instance, if someone told you that you never had to change the oil in your car, you’d look at them like they were crazy, right? Likewise, with cleaning down your countertops and surfaces, some things in your home need to be taken care of, or you’ll see a huge hit to your home comfort and an expensive cost down the line.

AC maintenance is the same thing. Professional HVAC maintenance in Burlington County, NJ isn’t a luxury service. It’s absolutely necessary for the efficiency and functionality of your air conditioning system. The longer you go without maintenance, the more you’re paying in energy bills, and the more likely you are to see your system require an early retirement. Let’s talk about a few reasons why investing in maintenance here in Hainesport, Lumberton, and Moorestown is always a good idea.

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HVAC Maintenance Is Essential

Monday, May 10th, 2021

We know, we know, we talk a lot about HVAC maintenance in Camden County. While you could make the argument that we’re really going too far in talking about the benefits of this kind of service, we’d instead like to discuss a different way of looking at it. Think of our team as providing a public service announcement about how important air conditioning and heating maintenance is in places like Haddon Township, Haddonfield, and Cherry Hill.

We’re not trying to convince people to purchase a service they don’t need. Likewise, we’re not trying to scare you into getting maintenance done either. We simply want to inform homeowners of just how essential this kind of work is. If you’ll go the extra mile to see the doctor for a check-up and schedule an oil change for your car, then you need to start signing up for maintenance appointments.

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This Is What an AC Tune-Up Entails

Monday, July 6th, 2020

One of the hardest selling points for air conditioning maintenance, an essential service, is that many homeowners don’t know what it is. Sure, people get the general gist of what maintenance entails, but they don’t know what exactly takes place during this type of service. Unfortunately, this hurts our cause, because when homeowners don’t know what maintenance entails, they think it’s not necessarily important—and that’s just flat out wrong.

Today, we’re going to fix the poor reputation that air conditioning maintenance has and try to talk about what exactly takes place when you sign up for this service. AC tune-ups in Salem County, NJ are an essential part of being an air conditioner owner, and they contribute immensely to the efficiency and effectiveness of your system. If you’re looking to improve the condition of your HVAC, you’re better off reading our advice below.

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Increase Your AC Efficiency with These Three Steps

Monday, May 25th, 2020

Homeowners are looking for every tip and trick in the book to save money on energy bills while increasing cooling power in their homes. Figuring out why isn’t a mystery, energy prices are on the rise and everyone is trying their best to reduce their carbon footprint while trying not to compromise their comfort. Luckily, there are some tried and true methods for doing just that!

Today, we’d like to discuss a few tips for increasing your air conditioner’s cooling effectiveness while also lowering your bills. In the world of HVAC, every little thing helps, from scheduling AC maintenance in Egg Harbor Township, NJ to replacing your air filter every 1-3 months, to even circulating your ceiling fan in the opposite direction. Each small task you complete contributes just a little bit to lowering bills and making your home cooler.

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It’s Not Too Late to Get AC Maintenance

Monday, May 11th, 2020

If you’ve forgotten to get AC maintenance and you’ve already started worrying about repairs for the summer, we’d like to let you in on a little industry secret. Sure, maintenance during the springtime might be better in general, but it really doesn’t matter when you get your AC tuned-up as much as it matters that you get it done at all. AC maintenance is a vital tool for combatting a system’s old age, problems that will arise in the future, and increasing efficiency levels.

The problem we encounter more often with homeowners is not that they had maintenance performed on their air conditioner at the wrong time, it’s that they forgot to have it performed at all. This means that when your AC repair in Cherry Hill, NJ is much more expensive than you thought it would be, it’s because your system hasn’t been maintained properly.

So, let’s avoid that with maintenance today.

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