Ambient Comfort LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘HVAC Company’

The End of the Season Is No Time to Ignore Your Heater

Monday, March 18th, 2019

technician-inspecting-furnaceTemperatures are still chilly for now. But with spring on its way very soon, you know how fast the weather can turn. Soon enough, you’ll need your air conditioner on a regular basis in order to stay comfortable in your home. So, that means you can shut off your heater once heating season is over and forget about it until next year, right?

Well, sure, if you had it maintained before winter began, you had no problems with it over the season, and it has no repair needs. But neglecting your heating system when you actually need work done on it can be detrimental to the system, leading to potential safety hazards if you’re using a gas powered system, and leading to the possibility that your system will completely die on you next fall when you need it again.

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