Ambient Comfort LLC Blog: Archive for January, 2021

Winter FAQ: Everything to Know About Your Heater

Monday, January 18th, 2021

Winter can be hard. This year is especially hard with a global pandemic and so many other related hardships for the folks in our area. The least we can do is help your heater work the way it should and promptly address any problems. The only issue with this sentiment is that many homeowners don’t know enough about their heaters to call us!

So, let’s change that. If you’re the owner of a furnace, a heat pump, or another type of heating system that’s struggling this winter, keep reading. We’ll go through a complete FAQ that addresses common questions, what to look out for, and what to do when you notice a problem.

Heating in Camden County, NJ doesn’t have to be complicated. When there’s something wrong, or something occurs that’s out of the ordinary, you call for help so we can address it. That’s it!

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Is Your Heater Suffering From Efficiency Problems?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Winter is in full force and by now you’ve probably noticed some strange things about your heater. You might have realized that it’s struggling to do its job. Or perhaps it’s not cooling certain rooms where you spend a majority of your day. Your bills are only getting higher as you keep it on longer and try to get every last degree of heat out of the system that you can. What gives?

This is what we call in the industry, “poor efficiency.” Sure, the heater works, but without heater service in Burlington County, NJ it’s not going to work the way it’s supposed to. You might not think that your heater could benefit from heating repairs, but as long as the system is having trouble running efficiently, repairs could help. Let’s talk about some ways that your heater could be suffering, and what you can do to improve the efficiency of the system.

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